#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# networkqit -- a python module for manipulations of spectral entropies framework
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Carlo Nicolini <carlo.nicolini@iit.it>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Here a number of community detection utilities are implemented for the manipulation
of membership vectors, as well as for the detection of block structures in networks.
import autograd.numpy as np
__all__ = ['comm_mat',
[docs]def comm_mat(adj, memb):
Returns multiple community related quantities.
adj : :class:`~np.array`: a possibly weighted n x n adjacency matrix in the form of a N x N numpy array
memb: :class:`~np.array, list`: the nodal membership vector, a numpy array or list of integers.
B: :class`~np.array`: the CxC block matrix containing in its (r,s) element the number of links from community
`r` to community `s`.
Bnorm: :class`~np.array`: the CxC block matrix containing in its (r,s) element the density of links.
It is the same as B but divided by the actual number of possible node pairs nr x ns for off-diagonal terms,
`(nr x (nr-1))/2` for diagonal elements.
.. [holland-stochastic-1983] Paul W. Holland, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey,
Samuel Leinhardt, "Stochastic blockmodels: First steps",
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A.,
u = np.unique(memb)
C = np.zeros([len(u), len(memb)])
for i in range(C.shape[0]):
for j in range(0, len(memb)):
C[i, j] = memb[j] == u[i]
B = np.dot(np.dot(C, adj), C.T)
K = B.sum(axis=1)
np.fill_diagonal(B, B.diagonal()/2)
# n = len(adj)
# m = np.triu(W, 1).sum()
# p = n * (n - 1) / 2
commsizes = C.sum(axis=1)
commpairs = np.dot(np.diag(commsizes), np.diag(commsizes-1)) / 2
commpairs2 = np.dot(np.dot(np.diag(commsizes), np.ones([len(commsizes), len(commsizes)])), np.diag(commsizes))
blockpairs = np.multiply(commpairs2, (1-np.eye(len(commsizes)))) + commpairs
Bnorm = B / blockpairs
return B, Bnorm
[docs]def comm_assortativity(A, memb):
This function computes the modular group assortativity and the newman modularity as from Eq.18-19
of the Peixoto paper "Nonparametric weighted stochastic block models"
A (np.array): the (weighted) adjacency matrix
memb (list): the node block membership
qr: the group modular assortativity
Q: the Newman modularity
.. [peixoto2017-weighted] Tiago Peixoto, "Non parametric weighted stochastic block model",
B = len(np.unique(memb))
E = np.triu(A,1).sum()
ers,ersnorm = comm_mat(A, memb)
err = np.diagonal(ers)
er2 = np.sum(ers,axis=0)**2
qr = B/(2.0*E)*(err-(er2/(2.0*E)))
Q = np.mean(qr) # newman modularity
return qr, Q
[docs]def reindex_membership(memb, key='community_size', compress_singletons=False, adj=None):
This function has the membership as input and output the membership
where the communities number are ordered by the number of nodes in that community
memb (list): a list of nodes membership
key (str): by default it sorts the community indices by decreasing number of nodes in each community.
other arguments are 'community_weight' (sum of all internal community weights)
or 'community_normalized_weight' (internal weight normalized by internal pairs).
compress_singletons (bool): if set to True assign all singleton communities into a single community.
adj (np.array): the adjacency matrix where to read the
ds = {}
for u, v in enumerate(memb):
if v not in ds.keys():
ds[v] = []
def community_size(x):
return len(x)
def community_weight(x):
return adj[np.ix_(x, x)].sum()
def community_normalized_weight(x):
return adj[np.ix_(x, x)].sum() / (len(x) * len(x) - 1)
mykey = None
if key is not 'community_size' and adj is None:
raise AssertionError('Must input adjacency matrix too')
if key is 'community_size':
mykey = community_size
elif key is 'community_weight':
mykey = community_weight
elif key is 'community_normalized_weight':
mykey = community_normalized_weight
S = dict(zip(range(0, len(ds)), sorted(ds.values(), key=mykey, reverse=True)))
memo_reindex = [-1] * len(memb)
for u, vl in S.items():
for v in vl:
memo_reindex[v] = u
if compress_singletons:
memo_reindex = reassign_singletons(memo_reindex)
return memo_reindex
[docs]def reassign_singletons(memb):
Set all the singleton communities into the same community.
If membership has C communities, S of which are singletons, then
this function sets the singleton communities with the label C + 1
memb (np.array): the input membership vector
an array where all the nodes with a single community are merged
into one.
memb2 = np.array(reindex_membership(memb))
max_memb = np.max(memb2) + 1
memb3 = memb2.copy()
for iu in np.unique(memb):
ix = np.where(memb == iu)[0]
if len(ix) > 1:
max_memb = iu
max_memb += 1
for iu in np.unique(memb):
ix = np.where(memb == iu)[0]
if len(ix) == 1:
memb3[ix] = max_memb
memb3 = reindex_membership(memb3)
return memb3