

Python Versions

Main Author


Apr 16, 2019


Carlo Nicolini


networkqit is a Python package for working within the spectral entropy framework of complex networks. However networkqit is of huge help also in developing, testing and using other Maximum Entropy network models, such as the Erdos-Renyi, Configuration model and other complex variants of them.

The spectral entropies framework was firstly introduced in the paper:


Dedomenico M., Biamonte J. Spectral Entropies as Information-Theoretic Tools for Complex Network Comparison Phys. Rev. X 6, 041062 (2016)

This toolbox is among the first implementations of the spectral entropy framework. It entails both computation of the density matrices, as well as number of methods of model fitting methods. If you are using networkqit please cite the following paper:


Nicolini C., Vlasov V. Bifone A. Thermodynamics of network model fitting with spectral entropies, Phys. Rev. E 98, 022322 (2018)

networkqit depends heavily on a number of math libraries, the typical scientific python stack.


networkqit is only available for Python 3 users. You can install the latest stable version of networkqit with pip:

pip3 install networkqit

All the dependencies of networkqit are installed automatically. Follow the install instructions for further information.

Free software

networkqit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the 3-clause BSD License. I appreciate and welcome contributions to the code. Join me on Bitbucket.